Lord of our innermost thoughts

“Then one of them said, “I will surely return to you about this time next year, and Sarah your wife will have a son.” Now Sarah was listening at the entrance to the tent, which was behind him. Abraham and Sarah were already very old, and Sarah was past the age of childbearing. So Sarah laughed to herself as she thought, “After I am worn out and my lord is old, will I now have this pleasure?”

Genesis 18:10-14 (NIV)

On a hot middle eastern afternoon, in the hottest part of the day, around noon, three men appeared to Abraham, while he was resting under a shady oak tree. It would have been the best time to find someone home, since most people rested in a cool place during the scorching heat of the midday. Not many people were walking around during this part of the day, when out of nowhere, these three men approached Abraham.

Many commentators of scripture think that two of those three men were angels and one was the Lord, since He didn’t stop Abraham from bowing down to Him in homage. 

He then washed the men’s feet and gave them lunch. 

The one man may have been Jesus, who scripture refers to as, the Lord. He was the one who delivered the message to Abraham, but first He asked “ Where is your wife, Sarah?” He went on to tell Abraham that He would return the following year and Sarah would have a son.

Sarah, in overhearing these words, laughed to herself. She didn’t laugh out loud or verbalize her doubt or unbelief, she just laughed to herself, as an innermost thought. She found it hard to believe that she, a ninety year old post menopausal woman, would get pregnant and bear a son, although God promised them a son many years earlier.

The man who scripture calls, “the Lord”, knew immediately that Sarah laughed within herself, because He asked Abraham, “Why did Sarah laugh ?”

It’s easy to forget that God reads every thought that passes through our minds. He reads our motives, our doubts, our fears, all our heart felt sincerity, even our heartbreaks and our deepest anxieties.  

Did you ever find yourself thinking of all the reasons not believe God to do something? I have done so, and then I realize, how silly, since He has already read my heart and motives. He knows where I lack in faith, and He reads every doubt that is circling my mind. He is patient with us in our unbelief and even in our unwillingness. Since He knows everything that is already within us, it’s best to just go to Jesus and tell the truth. 

Sarah may have laughed in disbelief, but God still did exactly what He promised. God is faithful to fulfill all His promises. In Genesis 21:1, it says that “The Lord took note of Sarah as He had said He would; the Lord did for her just as He had promised.”

Abraham was 100 and Sarah was 90 in the following year when she gave birth to the miracle baby, and promised heir, Isaac. There was an entire three months that passed by before Sarah even became pregnant. Many things happened during those next three months, the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah, for one, and they must have wondered when God would do for Sarah, what He promised. Nine months later she held Isaac in her arms. 

God takes note of our needs, our prayer requests, and even the inner doubts, fears and anxiety we hold inside. Many  events happen in our lives, while we await the answers to our prayers. God knows all our thoughts, so we might as well admit our doubts and fears to Him. He comes to us in the heat of our day, when we least expect it, and He takes note of all that is within our hearts. 

As we are truthful, we can trust in His son to do all that He promised. God’s promises overrule our innermost thoughts. As we open our heart in honesty to Jesus, He is ready to help us through the waiting period.

Lord, help all of us who struggle with unbelief, doubt and fear. As you did exactly what you promised Abraham and Sarah, we trust you to meet all of our needs as well. Give us hope, peace and patience while we wait for your promised answers. Amen


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