“We declare God’s wisdom, a mystery that has been hidden and that God destined for our glory before time began. None of the rulers of this age understood it, for if they had, they would not have crucified the Lord of glory.”
1 Corinthians 2:7-8 (NIV)
Jesus used the substance of water and wine to reveal many of God’s mysteries and truths to us. There were so many momentous events in the New Testament which took place around water, starting at the Sea of Galilee. The first disciples, Peter, Andrew, James, and John, who all earned their living by fishing on that sea, were one day called by Jesus to follow Him. Our water baptism also represents the day that Jesus called each of us to follow Him.
Jesus was in the boat with those newly chosen disciples, when a violent storm came upon the Sea of Galilee. The disciples were already frightened, especially in seeing Jesus sound asleep in the boat, and they cried out to Him, “Master, we are perishing!”
Jesus stood up and said three words to the stormy sea, “Peace, be still,” and immediately everything became calm. (Mark 4:39)
Some storms can make us feel like Jesus is asleep in our boat, but as long as He is in the boat with us, we are safe. He is aware of everything that we go through, and He still speaks peace and calms the storms within our souls today.
Another example of a water related moment, was when a woman met Jesus at a well, and had a brief conversation with Him. He offered her His living water, that satisfies the soul forever. Within those few minutes, she recognized that He was the Messiah and was so excited, that she returned home, overflowing with joy. Jesus is waiting for us to have a conversation with Him each day, so that we can be refilled with the joy of His living water.
The first public miracle of Jesus was at the wedding in Cana. After His mother, Mary, told the servants, “Do whatever He tells you,” Jesus then ordered them to fill all the empty wine containers with water.
The servants must have wondered why they were going to serve plain water to the wedding guests. After filling every container with water, it miraculously transformed into wine of the best and highest quality.
As we trust more and question less, we can do what Jesus tells us, by believing in His power to transform any situation, including the minds and hearts of people.
Those earthen vessels of water turning into wine, reveal one final mystery about Jesus. He appeared to the world in the earthen vessel of a human body, yet He was fully divine. Even today, some consider Him to be a good man or a wise prophet, like plain water in an earthen vessel. No one recognized the divinity of Jesus until they drank the wine. After drinking, the guests at the wedding asked, “Why did you save the best wine for last?” Once anyone drinks of Him, and receives Him into their hearts, they will recognize Him as the highest quality wine, the divine Savior and the Son of Almighty God.
Jesus, the best wine, who was revealed at last, by His Father in heaven, and He served Him to the whole world, to save all who are lost. Jesus is still served to whoever will receive Him.
“….to all who did receive him, to those who believed in his name, He gave the right to become children of God.” (John 1:12)
Receiving Jesus is not receiving a system or a code of conduct, but a person, the purest and innocent lamb of God, who shed His blood and laid His life down for all of us.
The mysteries of God’s endless love for us, have all been revealed in Jesus, through His many lessons of water and wine.
Lord, thank you for calling us your disciples, and for your peace in whatever storm we face. Help us to
talk to you daily and to be refilled with your joy. We thank you for being the best wine, and for your perfect sacrifice, which has saved us all by grace. Amen