Empty jars

“For the jar of flour was not used up and the jug of oil did not run dry, in keeping with the word of the Lord spoken by Elijah.”

1 Kings 17:16 (NIV)

The prophet Elijah was sent to a certain widow’s house, after she had been directed by God to supply the prophet with food. The scripture reveals that the widow obeyed, but had intense anxiety about giving the prophet her last portion of flour and oil, enough for one last meal with her son. 

Her whole land was living in the crisis of a three year famine, caused by a drought. Elijah could see her stress, but he reassured her that her jars would not be emptied. As the widow used the last of her flour and oil, to make bread for the prophet, herself and her son, the jars still appeared empty in that moment.

Despite Elijah’s promise, her faith was tested after using the last of her food, but the next day, those jars were replenished. She had enough to eat, one day at a time, and her jars continued to be refilled, until the famine was over.

We face similar testing like this all the time. We may find ourselves in a situation, that appears desperate, and even though we believe in God’s promises, our faith is put to the test. For a brief moment, the widow saw empty jars, but the next morning, those jars were miraculously refilled.

As we put our trust in the promises of God, our faith will be tested. Our jars may also look empty in that moment, but God is with us, and refills us one day at a time. The widow’s miracle wasn’t done by giving her one large lump sum to last a lifetime. She received what she needed one day at a time. 

God’s signature style has always been to supply His people’s needs, one day at a time, as He taught us with the story of manna in the wilderness. The Israelites found wafers that tasted like honey, on the ground each morning, and it was enough to fill everyone’s stomach for that day. They couldn’t store it, or hoard it, because manna had to be gathered fresh each morning. 

Jesus taught us to pray, asking God to give us “ this day” our daily bread. In the same way, He will supply our needs one day at a time, teaching us to trust in Him each new day.

The widow obeyed the Lord in her scarcity, and gave her last supply of food to Elijah, giving God first priority, and He provided for her as long as the famine lasted. The miracle of refilling the widow’s jars, has meaning beyond financial or material provision. It applies to any area of our life that is empty, depleted and needs refilling. We may have reached our limit with someone who has repeatedly hurt or angered us, feeling depleted of forgiveness. We may be depleted in patience, love, or faith, feeling desperate or fearful like the widow did. 

I remember once going through what felt like a famine of virtue, during the difficult year as caregiver for my late husband. I desperately needed to be replenished with patience, faith, hope and love. I was stressed out and depleted, until I brought all my emptiness to Jesus, and He began to refill me, one day at a time. 

That widow had a holy man in her home, and all that he promised her, came to pass, and her jars were refilled until the famine was over. 

We also have a holy man dwelling in our home, except He is someone much greater than Elijah. As we welcome Jesus into any area of our life that needs refilling, He will do what He promised. He is with us during our own spiritual famines, droughts, in our crisis of scarcity. We can trust Him, one day at a time, to keep us in peace and refill us with whatever we are lacking. 

Lord, give extra grace and strength to all the caregivers today, and thank you for being with us as we bring you our empty jars, trusting you to refill whatever we need. Amen

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