Symbols in God’s word

“As the rain and the snow come down from heaven, and do not return to it without watering the earth

and making it bud and flourish, so that it yields seed for the sower and bread for the eater, so is my word that goes out from my mouth: It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it.” 

Isaiah 55:10-11 (NIV)

Scripture has a divine purpose, and that purpose works in whoever hears or reads it. Even the symbols that are used in scripture, become reminders of God’s many truths. 

I remember a mustard seed necklace I once had when I was young. It was a glass ball with a tiny mustard seed inside of it. Jesus said that faith as small as a mustard seed can move a mountain. That tiny seed in the necklace is a symbol and a reminder that God’s word tells us to keep praying and believing, because the tiniest seed of faith can move mountains.

The fact is that a tiny mustard seed does grow into a large tree, some reaching 20 feet high and spreading branches  20 feet wide. Faith, like that tiny mustard seed, is planted in us, with the intention to keep growing.

Reading God’s word produces faith and gives us hope. It also corrects and admonishes us to follow His ways, and not falter through life on our own. Today’s scripture in Isaiah assures us that God’s word never returns void. Whether it is read or heard spoken aloud, it will accomplish a divine purpose in us. 

While we read and meditate on His word, His Spirit transforms and renews our minds, as He is working in us, like a mustard seed growing into a huge tree, bearing spiritual fruit.

Jews have a prayer tradition of filling small containers with scriptures printed on parchment paper.  A parchment of scripture is placed in a container called a Mezuzah, and placed on the doorpost of every Jewish home, as a blessing, going in or out. 

Another parchment is placed in little black leather boxes called Tefillin, which are strapped to their arm and forehead, as they recite prayers. These are the symbols from their scriptures, the Torah, which are reminders to keep their hearts and minds on God and His word.

It may seem like a strange practice, but it’s a literal observance of the following scripture: “Take to heart these words which I command you today…..Bind them on your arm as a sign and let them be as a pendant on your forehead. Write them on the doorposts of your houses and on your gates.” (Deuteronomy 6:6-9)

(A boy praying, while wearing Tefillin)

God wants all of us to know, recite, memorize and bind His word to our hearts. Instead of wearing symbols like leather boxes filled with scripture or on our doorpost, or in a mustard seed pendant, we can plant His word in our minds and hearts, by reading scripture each day.

It will become like a seed planted in us, which grows into a large fruit bearing tree.

In reading scripture, we can know what God has to say to us and about us. We are chosen by grace, and He wants us to cooperate with that grace throughout our lives. Nothing can separate us from the love of God, and reading scripture keeps us even closer as we open our hearts to what He has to say. God’s love for us is like a powerful magnet, and it keeps drawing us closer to Him.  (Romans 8:39)

The Letter to the Hebrews, describes God’s word as a living and active therapeutic sword, like a therapist, which probes below the surface of our being, cutting through the lies that once deceived us and revealing His truth to our heart. (Hebrews 4:12)

Everything begins like that tiny mustard seed that Jesus spoke of. As the Gardener of the universe, God lovingly planted each of us in a womb, beginning as a tiny mustard seed. He has a beautiful purpose for each life He creates, and there are a lot of mountains that need moving. As we regularly allow His word to be planted in our hearts and minds, we will reap the purpose He intended for us.

Lord, help us to cherish your word as your truth is planted in us, as a tiny mustard seed, always growing into a tree of faith and discernment as you reveal more of your love for us. Amen 

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