“As the horns blew, the people began to shout. When they heard the sound of the horn, they raised a tremendous shout. The wall collapsed, and the people attacked the city straight ahead and took it.”
Joshua 6:20
A heavenly being appeared to Joshua one day, giving him specific instructions. Those instructions involved marching silently around the city of Jericho, after positioning the priests and the ark of the covenant, protected by his best military men at the front and back of the crowd. They were to march around Jericho for six days, but on the seventh day, they were told to march seven times and then blow the rams horns while shouting loudly. The walls of Jericho collapsed into the ground, and they conquered the city.
That involved a lot of ritual, and it shows that worship has several forms, and God should not be put in a box.
God does not get nervous, and no sincere worship is too silent, too ritualistic or too loud with music and shouts of praise. He welcomes it all.
Worship brings victory, so let’s give God all the praise through all the forms that He deserves, as the Spirit leads, and march on in victory today, glorifying the name Jesus. Amen