“Command them to do good, to be rich in good deeds, and to be generous and willing to share. In this way they lay up treasure for themselves as a firm foundation for the coming age, so that they may take hold of the life that is truly life.”
1 Timothy 6:19 (NIV)
I recently lost a friend I had known for fifty years. She was childless and her husband passed away three weeks prior to her death. I met with her closest relatives, who came to clear out their home. The relatives left me with some boxes of home decor items, to do what I want with.
I put photos of the items on a website, to give away for free. The last item, a picture frame, was picked up by a very kind woman who cherished the unique frame made of carved wood. She planned to use it to display a photo of her great grandfather. Then she said something very special to me, “We are all caretakers of our treasures for a little while, until they are passed on to other loving hands.” Her wise words stirred my thoughts. I knew my friend would have loved this woman for taking her picture frame as well as her intended use for it, and I felt good that it went into loving hands.
I also thought about our “treasures” on earth, pondering what Jesus said about it. He told us not to store up treasures that can be destroyed or stolen, but to store lasting ones. Timothy encourages believers to be rich in good deeds, by sharing and giving to others, which lays a foundation for lasting and eternal treasures. As the lady said, we are just care takers of our treasures for a little while, until passing them on to other loving hands. Whatever we share that counts for eternity, is passed into the loving hands of Jesus.
Someday He will introduce us to the souls of people in heaven, who have benefited from the eternal treasures we are sharing here and now.