“The child grew and became strong, filled with wisdom; and the favor of God was upon him.”
Luke 2:40 (NAB)
Jesus never lived a full adult life, dying at the age of thirty three, but He did live a full childhood, teen and young adulthood. God chose to have His son complete those early stages of His life, before going to the cross. Although Jesus was God incarnate, He humbled Himself to become human and submit Himself in obedience to His parents for many years. He was blessed with the unconditional love of His mother and father. God’s plan was that they both have a part in helping Jesus to be molded into the loving and merciful Messiah that He became. Much of what Jesus taught people as an adult, He learned from His early childhood and teen years. Being raised according to the customs and traditions of any first century religious jewish family, He regularly attended synagogue services and learned from His own Rabbi. He also had years to learn the skills of a carpenter’s trade from Joseph, His father. He physically labored with His father every day, gathering, cutting, measuring, and hammering, as they together created many products out of wood. He learned things during His humanity, from His parents, like honoring God, and trusting Him through prayer and worship. Being both human and divine, I imagine Jesus as a boy, having intense eyes, so that when He looked at someone, He could see deep into their soul. Scripture tells us He was filled with wisdom, probably beyond any others at His age level. Since He is the Prince of peace, I would think He was always even tempered and calm, speaking in a way that calmed the panic or stress in those around Him, the same way He calmed the stormy sea later as an adult. He probably participated in joyful festivities like laughing, singing, dancing and worshipping with friends and family, during the Jewish festivals. When He began His ministry, neighbors who knew Him from His youth, said,
“Isn’t this the carpenter’s son ?” (Matthew 13:55) Their response revealed that they thought of Jesus as one of the neighborhood boys. Although scripture reveals very little about His childhood, we know He was born during very tumultuous political times, and there were many uprisings against the oppressive Roman government. We know this because even as an adult, He still encountered the Zealots. There is no question that from His boyhood, Jesus was well aware of the injustices that people were suffering. He grew up among friends and neighbors who intensely hated those Roman authorities. Much of what He taught as an adult, He learned from those early childhood and teen years. Although He witnessed a lot of hatred, He recognized that hatred was as sinful as murder. He learned from His youth that violence never produces what a peacemaker can do. In spite of a society full of injustices, His first priority was to spend time alone with His Heavenly Father. At twelve, He went off by Himself to be in the temple, during His family’s Passover trip to Jerusalem. Even as a boy, He deeply craved time in communion with His heavenly Father, and He told His parents He had to be in His Father’s house. In the crazy times He lived in, Jesus still knew that time alone with His father was essential. He realized that trouble will always be in this world, but He wanted to share the peace He had with all of us. Most of the lessons He taught as an adult, were learned from what He observed during His youth growing up in first century Palestine. God had a purpose in giving His son a complete and fulfilling childhood, teen years and young adulthood, to prepare Him to endure the cross later, when His time came to become our sacrificed lamb. Jesus probably felt like a misfit at times, when His divine nature, clashed with the human nature of people and attitudes all around Him. All that He observed in His childhood and His early life experiences became lessons that evolved into a sermon or a parable years later. From the boyhood experiences of Jesus, we are reminded that we also live in a tumultuous world, full of anxiety, anger and injustice. Each experience of His youth, and all the good that Mary and Joseph instilled in Him, helped to form the human side of who Jesus was. The same is true for us, and we have also become who we are through our life experiences and our time spent with God. Jesus kept a priority of setting aside time to be alone with His heavenly father each day. This world may seem to be going crazy, but God still looks past all outside appearances and searches the hearts of people. Good things result when we make time to be alone with Him. Jesus showed us how to give God the first fruits of our time. When we tithe our time to God, we become refueled spiritually.
Lord Jesus, thank you for the small glimpses into your boyhood. In spending time each day with you, we pray you look into our souls and give us all the wisdom, strength, hope and peace that we need. Amen