Spiritual adrenaline

“We are afflicted in every way, but not crushed; perplexed, but not driven to despair; persecuted, but not forsaken; struck down, but not destroyed; always carrying in the body the death of Jesus, so that the life of Jesus may also be manifested in our bodies.”

2 Corinthians 4:8-10 (RSV)

When I was around 13 years old, my best friend and I used to enjoy ice skating as a pastime. As giddy, silly pre-teens, we laughed at almost everything. If we fell on the ice, we usually laughed at ourselves before getting back up.

One day I fell, and as I remained sitting on the ice giggling, a skater, who was skating backwards, ran into me. We both apologized and then she skated off. 

I started to get up, but felt intense pain and weakness in my left leg. I managed to limp to the restroom, even as we continued giggling, while 

neither one of us bothered to look at my leg. I just assumed I would have a large bruise from the person who ran into me, but when I looked down, I was shocked to see a deep bloody hole in my left thigh, right through my green stretch pants, about an inch and a half in diameter.  I was brought to the nearest emergency room, received stitches, and survived just fine.  

We often hear stories of people who’ve been injured but don’t realize the severity of it, until afterward. It could be attributed to a combination of adrenaline and determination to complete a task. Soldiers, firemen and paramedics make heroic rescues, sometimes unaware of their own injuries. People are capable of heroism, especially when adrenaline energizes them. In my case, heroism didn’t factor in, just silly youthful ignorance.

In the spiritual realm, we all face different forms of adversity, which will test our faith. We have all been through hardships that leave us feeling wounded in some way, but somehow we managed to continue our walk of faith. Jesus said that we would receive power when the Holy Spirit fills us. We may feel ourselves attacked physically, spiritually, or emotionally, but the Spirit of God is in us, and upholding us.

Our spiritual adrenaline is the Holy Spirit. He gives us the resilience to rise from adversity, assuring us that we can do all things through Christ.

(Philippians 4:13)

Occasionally, we may limp or bleed, but we are never forsaken or destroyed, because the resurrection power of Jesus is always within us. 

We are afflicted, but we are not crushed, we may be perplexed, but never driven to despair. Every affliction makes us more resilient, because spiritual adrenaline has given us spiritual stamina.

We aren’t going to walk around giggling, but there is a deep and lasting joy from the Holy Spirit, that strengthens us. Peter tells us that the God of all grace will restore us and make us strong, firm and steadfast, after we have suffered a while. 

(1 Peter 5:10)

It’s difficult to fully comprehend the magnitude of God’s love when we are suffering, but He loves us more than we can imagine, and will keep raising us up, through a lifetime of mini resurrections. 

Holy Spirit, empower us with the adrenaline of your resurrection power, and fill us with deep joy and the resilience to rise above all adversity, today and always. Amen

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