“At that time Mary got ready and hurried to a town in the hill country of Judea, where she entered Zechariah’s home and greeted Elizabeth.” Luke 1:39-40 (NIV)
Faith in God is described as a valuable pearl in the gospels, and those we befriend who share our faith, are as valuable as the pearl of faith itself. We benefit in so many ways by having wise friends of faith, who know us and share our joys, our sorrows as well as our beliefs.
Before Jesus was incarnated, Mary, who was a special and blessed young woman of faith, shared a special friendship with her older cousin, Elizabeth. Once Mary got past the initial shock of her virgin conception, she was so thrilled, she couldn’t wait to share the news with her closest friend, Elizabeth.
Imagine having an incredible visit from an angel, greeting you with “Hello favorite one!” and then telling you a divine conception is taking place in your womb. After Mary surrendered to God’s plan, she was bursting with joy, which is evident by her lengthy response expressed in the first chapter of Luke.
Upon realizing that she would become the mother of the long awaited, and hoped for, Messiah, her first action was to take a long trip, to visit and share the news with her dearest friend, Elizabeth.
Before cell phones or cars, her only way to tell Elizabeth, was to travel by donkey on a 90 mile trip to the hill country of a town called Ein Karem. Mary and Elizabeth obviously had a special friendship that transcended their generational and geographical distance.
We may have friends of faith like this, who live far away from us, but thanks to cell phones and cars we have easier ways to keep in touch with them. To have a community of friends who share our faith is like having a cherished, priceless pearl.
When Mary and Elizabeth finally reunited, they probably exchanged stories, and learned that the same angel, Gabriel, was sent to announce the birth of their miracle baby boys. What an amazing family with these two special women in it, who both became a part of God’s salvation plan.
I can imagine the discussions that were made in heaven, to arrange for the special day when Gabriel was sent to earth, first to tell Elizabeth’s husband Zacharias, about John and next, to go to Nazareth to tell Mary about Jesus. Mary and Elizabeth were now connected by more than being relatives and best friends, they were both part of the same divine salvation plan of Almighty God.
They weren’t the kind of cousins who grew up as childhood playmates because of their age difference, but they both shared a bond as women of faith.
Mary had to be selective in choosing who to share her exciting news with. It was well worth the ninety mile trip to meet with the one person she knew would believe in her and rejoice with her. Sometimes we need to be selective in who we confide in, especially regarding matters of faith.
Our personal faith is like a precious pearl of great value, which means we can be truthful and vulnerable with those who are on the same page with us spiritually. Friends of faith are as valuable as a pearl, since they make us feel safe, which is why Jesus told us “do not throw your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under foot”.
(Matthew 7:6)
If you have a likeminded friend or relative who understands you, believes in you and shares your perspective of your Christian faith, it’s a gift from God. I am thankful for the friends in my life. I’ve been blessed with new friends, as well as those I have known for years.
I have met friends through churches, and some through my workplace over the years. Some live in the neighborhood and some live out of state, but I’m glad I don’t have to travel ninety miles to share news with them. I’m also thankful for cell phones, computers, Facebook groups, emails and all manners of communication.
This is a tribute to every valued pearl of friendship, whether new or from years past, and I thank God for all of you and pray for His blessing on all your friendships today.
Lord, thank you for enriching our lives with friends who share our faith. Unify and strengthen us through your Spirit and bless every pearl of friendship in our lives today. Amen