Leaning on Jesus

“One of his disciples, the one whom Jesus loved, was reclining at Jesus’ side.”

John 13:23  (NAB)

John, the apostle, describes himself as the “disciple whom Jesus loved”. His identifying feature was leaning on Jesus and laying His head on His chest.
Imagine identifying yourself not by name, but by your posture with Jesus. This is how John wanted to be known and remembered, and maybe he also wanted his readers to find the deeper meaning in their own posture with Jesus. Our posture with Jesus is how we see ourselves being loved by Him. It reflects the self esteem of our soul.
We cannot physically lean on Jesus today, but we can visualize ourselves doing so through prayer and meditation. When you close your eyes to imagine yourself with Jesus, what is your posture? You may see yourself laying your head on His chest or kneeling down before Him. Whether you see yourself standing, sitting or kneeling, your posture with Jesus is a place of safety and security. Since He considered us worthy to suffer and die for, He desires our postural response to reflect intimacy as John’s did. When He took our sins upon Himself, He also took all of our anxieties, and exchanged it all for His peace.
He invites us to cast all our cares upon Him, and it starts with the posture of our soul. Jesus told us to come to Him as children, uninhibited and trusting. He receives us with gentleness because He is the gentle Lamb of God.
As you visualize your head laying on His chest, you are transferring all the worry and anxiety from your head to His heart. While your head is on His chest, you can hear His heart beat, and in this posture of listening to His heart, you find yourself caring about the things He cares about. His shoulders are broad enough and His heart is big enough for everyone to lean on.
You are now the disciple Jesus loves, and while you are leaning on Him, He turns to look at you. His eyes meet yours while you are resting peacefully on His chest, and He says “I am with you always, ask anything in My name and I will do it.”

Lord Jesus, help us to practice your presence each day, as we lean on you, leaving the anxieties of our mind upon your heart, in exchange for your peace. Amen

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