Groaning in the spirit

“Now in the same way the Spirit also helps our weakness; for we do not know what to pray for as we should, but the Spirit Himself intercedes for us with groaning too deep for words; and He, who searches the hearts knows what the mind of the Spirit is, because He intercedes for the saints according to the will of God.”

Romans 8:26-27 (NASB)

Some situations are so perplexing that we aren’t sure how to pray. We cannot always know whether we should pray for healing or for endurance, to speak to someone or to be silent, to ask God to drive our enemies away or to help us befriend them. 

Prayer is difficult, and we can reach a point of not knowing how to pray, but even if we don’t know how to pray, the Holy Spirit always does, and He intercedes for us, by praying for us and through us. 

Whenever we become weakened by sorrow, sickness, discouragement, or fear, the Spirit understands every deep sigh or wordless groan within our hearts. Sometimes He inspires other people to pray for us, but other times, He intercedes for us directly as described in today’s scripture. 

There are over 8,000 different languages in the world, but Paul tells us that there is a language of angels, used in heaven. (1 Corinthians 13:1) 

If there are languages of angels, which the world doesn’t know about, then there are also other languages, like the groans and sighs in our hearts, which are too deep for words. Those groans are a language that is fully understood by the Holy Spirit. Knowing our distress, He intercedes for us. He is our helper, our teacher, the renewer of our minds and best of all, our comforter.

In my relationship with the Lord, He often comforts and reassures me through people. It could be through something that a total stranger says to me. One example is when I went to the bank and a total stranger overheard me explaining my son’s accident to the banker, and she later came to me and asked his name so that she could pray for him. 

Another example is when Jon was still in a coma and I went to pick up his mail from a UPS mail store, and a different clerk was on duty that day. He paused to ask how Jon was, and then told me that he had been praying for him, since he first about it. I was touched, though I never saw that clerk again. God uses the words of others to touch us and say “I am still here, don’t be afraid.”

Sometimes God reassures me by the name of a person sent to help me. It sounds strange, but once in a while, God sends a person with the first name of an angel, as a sign that He is with me, during a particular problem or situation.

I live alone, and once needed a plumber for a leaky pipe. After calling a company I didn’t know much about, I prayed that God would send an angel along with the plumber, to give him the skill to do the job. The plumber arrived at my front door, wearing a name tag that readily caught my eye, because it read “Gabriel.”

When I once needed an electrician, a friend recommended one to me and his name was Raphael. Both Gabriel and Raphael did a great job, and I know that God sent them as a reassurance to my inner groaning at the time.

I’ve been retired for over a year, but I recently received a summons regarding a surgical procedure I worked in, back in 2022. The whole matter shifted me far outside my usual comfort zone, and the prospect of testifying in a deposition is a bit unnerving. 

I was told by the hospital legal department that a defending lawyer would soon be assigned to my case. I prayed that God would give me the right lawyer, with the wisdom to do a good job. 

The next day, I received an email, telling me that a lawyer was assigned to me, and he would be contacting me soon. That lawyer’s first name is “Michael.” I looked up, took a deep breath, and said “Thank you, Lord!”  I have peace, knowing God gave me His usual sign of reassurance through an angel name, and the Spirit calmed my inner distress.

When we need comfort in any way, the Holy Spirit understands the language of our wordless internal anxieties. He comforts His people in different ways, and each person needs to pray and recognize the way that God is reassuring them. 

I think we often underestimate the presence of the Holy Spirit, working on our behalf. He is our helper, our comforter, our healer, our teacher and understands the language of wordless groans and the deepest sighs in our hearts. When we are overwhelmed with stress, He steps up and brings guidance, peace, wisdom and comfort.

Lord, thank you for the gift of your Holy Spirit, who intercedes for us, by praying for us and through us, when our groaning is too deep for words.  Amen

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