God is love

“Whoever is without love does not know God, for God is love.

In this way the love of God was revealed to us: God sent his only Son into the world so that we might have life through him.”

1 John 4:8-9 (NAB)

God doesn’t just have love, He is love. He gave His son a body, and sent Him to us, and then His Son gave His body up for us. Giving and sacrifice are the visible expressions of God’s love. Jesus reminded everyone of this truth at the last supper, “This is my body, which is given for you.”(Luke 22:19) 

As we think about love, we see that God’s love for us always resulted in a sacrifice. God wants us to imitate His ways, and as He gives to us, we give to others. 

In biblical history, God called many prophets, judges and deliverers, and required them to be set apart in holiness, for a particular mission. Most of those who He called and set apart, at some point failed or fell from their commitment, but later repented and returned to complete their mission. We learn from God’s example of love, that He has used many flawed people to accomplish His mission. We see it in Samson, David, and even Peter in the New Testament.

When God began His greatest plan, to send His son to us, He called and set apart a young girl for the mission. The Spirit of God was to overshadow her so that she would conceive, give birth to and raise God’s only son. 

She complied with the plan, without failing or falling away, saying, “let it be done according to your word.”

The Almighty, infinite and holy God could finally accomplish His perfect salvation plan of the ages, by Mary’s complete cooperation with Him.

Then, God, who exists outside of time or space, for the first time, entered time and space in becoming an embryo. That embryo is not an “it”, but a “who” and He was given His name by the angel at His conception. Jesus continued to grow to adulthood, making God’s love present for the world to see. 

Since God chose His son’s arrival into the world in this way, it speaks volumes about life beginning at conception.

It’s a beautiful Christmas story, God’s Word became flesh in Mary’s womb, and His son was born, but how did the world receive the infinite, incarnate son of God? 

Not very well. He was rejected and criticized by those who thought they knew more about God than Him. How ironic it is, that the living expression of God’s love, was met with suffering at the hands of those He came to save. 

In His divinity, Jesus could have called down fire from heaven, as prophets of old once did. He could have released an army of angels to come down and destroy all of His persecutors, but He chose not to. No one took His life from Him, because He laid it down for us, and He did it out of love.

Jesus showed us that love is a choice, not a feeling. He expressed His love for us through the language of sacrifice. Love always costs something, and yet we cannot buy or earn God’s love. He loves us freely, and gave us His son freely. God loves us unconditionally, even when there are no guarantees that His love will be returned. 

The Christmas story simply consists of a divinely conceived baby, who embodied the fulness of God’s love, providing an endless fountain of His mercy for a very flawed world.

Lord, the essence of what Christmas means for us leaves us speechless. Your gift to us and your sacrifice illustrates your endless love and mercy. Help us to reflect to others some portion of the love you have shown to us. Amen


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