Expect the extraordinary

“What Jesus did here in Cana of Galilee was the first of the signs through which he revealed his glory; and his disciples believed in him.”

John 2:11 (NIV)

The bridal party was the platform used to first introduce Jesus, the Messiah, to the world. He performed the first miracle of His ministry at that wedding in Cana, and it all began with an embarrassing moment of running out of wine at a wedding party. Jesus told the waiters to fill all the large vessels with water and then He changed the water into wine.  

Commentaries on this section of scripture say that the total amount in all those vessels would be about twenty to thirty gallons of wine. Whether all the water in those vessels was changed instantly to wine, or only changed as it was drawn into the pitchers, is not known for certain. What we do know, is that Jesus was revealed for the first time as the Messiah through this wedding miracle. His disciples and many others knew, beyond a doubt, that  He was the Lord, as He manifested His glory upon those vessels of water, and changed them into the finest quality wine. 

Personally, I would have liked to know the details of how He did it. I wonder if He held His hand over the water in the vessels as Moses held his staff over the sea when it parted. Or did He speak to the water inside those vessels and command it to become wine, the way He spoke to the stormy sea and made it calm. Maybe he just directed the waiters to draw the water out, and it became wine, in the same way He told Peter to recast his net into the sea, and it came up filled with fish. 

God does amazing things in and with water. Water is an ordinary every day element, but when He manifests His glory over it, extraordinary things happen. The water He changed into wine at that wedding, became an extraordinarily high quality wine. It was so high a quality that the head waiter questioned why it wasn’t served first. 

We are all like that ordinary water, and He changes each of us in the same way. We are ordinary until His glory touches our lives, and we believe in Him in a deeper way than ever before. We realize we are His people, not common water, but the highest quality wine, because when Jesus reveals His glory to us, we cannot remain ordinary. He turns us into the best version of ourselves. 

Every apostle that Jesus chose was an example of the ordinary becoming extraordinary. Peter was very ordinary. He had an impulsive personality, a bad temper, and was influenced by public opinion. He had all the usual human weaknesses and when pressured by people who were questioning his relationship with Jesus, he denied ever knowing Him. In spite of Peter’s weaknesses, he was transformed into a bold and charismatic preacher of the gospel, and in the end, he bravely lost his life in his extraordinary path to martyrdom. There were many other disciples who followed suit with a similar transformation. 

Jesus manifests His glory to us as He did with those vessels of water. If He can transform 30 gallons of water into wine, He can do amazing things in our lives as well. 

Whenever I used to read scripture, I would jot down notes in a journal, of what I thought God was saying to me. I would keep these notes and 

re-read them, but never in my whole life had I dreamed of sharing what I wrote. I discovered an entirely new passion for writing, and it was a hidden treasure, discovered in the wilderness of my loss, after my husband passed away in 2019. Today, about 32 people are receiving the daily meditations that I write.

I just received an email from Upper room magazine, that they have selected another meditation of mine to publish next year. One will be published in March/April’s issue and the other in July/August’s issue. It’s an international Christian magazine that publishes in 30 languages. Since this all began from God, I have no doubt He is turning water into wine. My next goal is to publish a book of meditations, called “Kissed by the Spirit; 50 days of comfort after loss.“ I also have an inspiration for a future children’s book. God willing, even more water will be turned to wine. 

Jesus hasn’t stopped since the wedding at Cana. He is changing water into wine in each of our lives. Even in the most difficult times, He is preparing us, as He prepared me for something extraordinary to come. When we seek His glory, He turns the ordinary into extraordinary. 

God has blessings in store for us that are far beyond anything we can imagine, as His word says, “Now to him who is able to accomplish far more than all we ask or imagine, by the power at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus to all generations, forever and ever. Amen.”(Ephesians 3:20-22)

Lord,  manifest your glory in our lives, doing beyond what we ask or imagine, and turn our ordinary into extraordinary. Make us the people you meant us to be, so that many others will know that you are the Lord. Amen


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