“And God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work.”
2 Corinthians 9:8 ( NIV)
God sends many small graces along the way, even during the most difficult tests and trials in our lives. In all things, at all times, He gives us what we need, in small subtle ways.
I can see this in all that I’m going through since my son’s accident. Sometimes we are so busy looking for the one big answer to our prayers, that we neglect to see the small graces of God that add up along the way.
My son’s motorcycle was impounded at a towing yard, and no one was allowed access to it for the past month. Monday of this week, I received the permission to go to the motorcycle. I found my son’s cell phone in a compartment, which was a small grace, and a step toward progress. I was not only able to contact his landlord through the contact list on his phone, but was able to text his customers who were sending messages asking where he was or why he didn’t show up according to schedule. I received some very kind responses, with sincere concern, and one of his customers was a pastor of a church. He promised to pray for Jon. That was another small grace.
Unfortunately my son did not have health insurance, only vehicle insurance, with some minimal medical coverage. He was self employed for the past twenty years, with a small business of seal coating and patching residential driveways with asphalt. The social worker told me I needed to get guardianship so that the financial questions could be answered, in order to see if he qualifies to receive Medicaid insurance.
I agreed and the law firm they referred me to, which set up the guardianship, told me that it is highly unusual for the hospital to offer to pay all the legal costs for the process of making me the guardian, and yet they did. I never asked for it, I had just assumed it was routine for the hospital to pay the legal costs, but after hearing that, I realized this was another small grace of God along the way of this difficult journey.
I love today’s scripture verse, saying that God blesses us abundantly, so that we receive all things, at all times, having all that we need…”
Through all the different stages of this experience, I can say that God truly has blessed me in receiving all things at all times, with all that I needed. I’m trusting that Jon will receive Medicaid insurance in time for his rehab transfer.
In receiving all things at all times, I realize now that my son had the best surgeon of his group, who happened to be the one on call the day he was brought to the ER. His pupils didn’t look good upon arrival, indicating a serious brain injury, yet after surgery, the surgeon was surprised that Jon did as well as he did.
He also received some of the smartest and most caring nurses while he was there. One of them was a childhood friend who grew up across the street from us. Angie remembered Jon, because all his Mexican friends called him “Guerro”, a nickname, meaning white boy. Having Angie as one of his ICU nurses, was another small grace from God.
Now that he is in the step down unit, and continues to get good care, the physical therapy techs had him sitting up on the edge of his bed with his eyes open, which was amazing to see.
This week, they found blood clots in both his arms and began a treatment to cure it. I ask for your prayers that this will also be resolved, as we trust in God to give us all things, at all times, as needed. This is a beautiful promise for all of us to cling to, so we can trust Jesus for our own needs, and expect an abundant blessing.
“All things at all times, and all we need…..” that is His promise for today and it is for each and every one of us. Whatever we are going through, we can be sure that God wants to bless us abundantly. Although He doesn’t always do it through a big earth shaking miracle, God sends us many small graces, happening one after another, as needed, over time. His many small graces eventually add up to one big blessing.
Lord, open our eyes to see the small graces that you are pouring out into our lives, and give us peace and comfort, knowing you are working out everything for the best, so that we can abound in every good work, for your glory. Amen