“Jesus said to him, “‘Everything is possible to one who has faith.”Then the boy’s father cried out, “I do believe, help my unbelief!”
Mark 9:23-24 (NAB)
Faith is knowing that everything is in God’s hands, and even when things seem to be getting worse, and our faith is minimal, it’s okay to come honestly to Him and say, “Lord help me in my unbelief.”
Those were the words of the father of a demon possessed boy who could barely find faith to believe. He had enough faith to come to Jesus, but his faith was small, like a tiny mustard seed. Jesus said all we need is faith as a tiny mustard seed, and it would move mountains. That father saw a mountain moved that day, when Jesus delivered and healed his son from demon possession.
I can relate to that father. I have surrendered my son, Jon, into God’s hands, but I cannot always believe for his total healing. I am always praying, sorry I don’t have more faith, Lord.
I feel that God wants us all to believe in miracles, but He is never angry with us for being like that father of the demon possessed boy. Jesus never rebuked him for lack of faith. He continued to deliver the boy, even after the father asked for help with his own unbelief.
That gives us all hope, that God still does what He plans to do, even if our faith is minimal. We say honestly, “Help me in my unbelief,” and He does the miracle anyway.
Jesus is patient with us, He went out of His way to encourage those who were weak in faith and who had doubts. After His resurrection, He took steps to prove to His disciples that He was physically risen, and not a spirit. He told them to “look at my hands and my feet, touch me.” He went as far as was necessary to remove all their doubts that He was physically raised from the dead, by eating food in front of them.
Jesus knew that the disciples were looking at Him with some unbelief, and that’s what prompted Him to say, “Look at my hands and my feet. It is I myself. Touch me and see; a ghost does not have flesh and bones, as you see I have.”
(Luke 24:39) Jesus offered to Thomas, “Put your finger here, and see my hands; and put out your hand, and place it in my side….” Thomas had less than a little faith, and Jesus still gave him tangible proof.
I think we learn through these examples, that God is patient with us and He passionately pursues us in whatever state of belief we are in.
God’s love is, and we can be sure that Jesus is not looking down, scoffing at our lack of faith, He is reaching out His nail scarred hands and saying, “Touch Me and see how much I love you.”
Lord, we ask you to help us in our unbelief today, for whatever area we struggle most in our faith. Thank you for reaching out to us with your nail scarred hands, offering us to touch you and believe. Amen