What to feed sheep

“The third time he said to him, “Simon son of John, do you love me?” Peter was hurt because Jesus asked him the third time, “Do you love me?” He said, “Lord, you know all things; you know that I love you.”

Jesus said, “Feed my sheep.”

John 21:18

Jesus told us as He told Peter to feed His sheep, but a good question for today is, “What are we feeding them?  “A friend recently sent me a you tube video about how only a few rich and powerful corporations are controlling the entire world economy, and influencing the moral decline of every society. The video talked about the “New world order”, which is made up of a few elite groups and their infiltration into every government internationally. I don’t doubt these things are happening in the world, but I’m sure it’s not the message Jesus wants us to feed His sheep before He returns. Some people have a zeal to fight against the powers that rule this world, and in all honesty, it sounds a lot like the zealots during Jesus’ time. Jesus never sided with, encouraged or gave approval to the zealots in His day. He never advocated fighting the powers on this earth. He simply talked about His kingdom, which we cannot see, and the faith needed to receive His salvation. The same demonic powers that ruled in Jesus’ day, are the dominating powers that rule our world today. Few things have changed, we are dealing with the same demons, just different times, different people and different methods. Jesus said “My kingdom is not of this world.” He also said, “In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.” (John 16:33) There’s always been another side to the story, because God has a more powerful kingdom which is behind the scenes. Some sheep are being fed with fear and anxiety through videos like the one about a “New world order” but God is still in complete control. Jesus told Pilate, “You would have no power if it were not given you from above.” God allows freedom to those in power to act as they choose, but He is always on the throne in heaven, and salvation comes to anyone who calls upon the name of the Lord. Yesterday, it was announced that Pastor Yousef, a moslem convert to Christianity, who was imprisoned for five years in Iran for his Christian faith, was finally set free. When asked about his time in prison, he said that whatever he went through was nothing compared to what Jesus did for all of us. He fed the sheep with words of hope and faith. He harbored no bitterness toward the Iranian government. He didn’t rally a rebellion to overthrow the political or religious authorities that created the unjust laws leading to his mistreatment. Jesus wants His sheep to be fed with the food that will later sustain their faith, in the midst of fiery trials. God wants His sheep fed with lasting nourishment, the truth of His steadfast love and the everlasting fountain of mercy open to anyone who repents. Instead of a zeal wasted in overthrowing the powers at work in this world, Jesus redirects our zeal by asking us to feed His sheep. His flock is fed with eternal nourishment through messages of hope, mercy, love and forgiveness. God is making us into new creations day by day, and we are each at different phases of that process. The kingdoms and powers of this world may seem intimidating, but our omnipotent God has a greater kingdom. Jesus said of His kingdom, “And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.” (Matthew 16:18) Jesus will build His church and all the powers of hell will not stop it, and He is building in us a resilient church, full of faith, not fear. We only need to guard our minds and keep our thoughts captive to Christ. He asks all of us to feed His sheep and preach His gospel until He returns. We have nothing to fear in this current world, because a greater kingdom is coming, and His church is preparing the way for it. When His church prays, all things are possible. No earthly powers can stop the fountain of Jesus’ mercy that flows from the blood of His cross, and the resurrection power that burst forth into His body on that third day. The greatest work has already been done, and when we feed His sheep with this hope, not fear, He will empower every one who trusts in Him. His resurrection power builds resilience within us and breaks every stronghold, making anything possible for us who believe. For this, we say Hallelujah! He is risen!

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