Our Father owns everything

“Every animal of the forest is mine,

and the cattle on a thousand hills.

I know every bird in the mountains,

and the insects in the fields are mine. If I were hungry I would not tell you, for the world is mine, and all that is in it.” Psalm 50:10-12 (NIV)

The world is His, and all that is in it. Just think of what God is saying in this scripture. He is our Heavenly Father, and He owns everything. He is saying that He is the Lord of the world and our chief provider. If we know who God is, then we can better understand who we are. We need to live with the confidence and self esteem of being a child of the Father, who owns it all. In other words, the whole world is His and we are His kids. 

I love the topic of the fatherhood of God. It’s a theme that excites me, and although I believe He is my Father, I don’t always live like I know it. I have moments and situations where I fall short of living like His child. Sometimes I lack the trust God wants me to have in Him, so I pray “Help me in my unbelief.”

Yesterday, I was scheduled to have my first root canal on the tooth which has been causing me pain and facial swelling. My dentist handled the scheduling, and tried to immediately get me in to be treated the next day by an endodontist. With only one day’s notice, they finally found one office that had an opening. 

I have always dreaded the thought of a root canal procedure, wishing I could just wake up from the whole nightmare. I asked my son and some friends to pray for me. I asked God for perfect timing, so that I would have the Endodontist of His choice out of the three in the group where I was going. I also asked Him to give me a sign that Jesus would be in the room with me. 

I realize I am one of God’s very needy children, asking for a lot. Anyway, I arrived at the address and my first impression was that the office was absolutely gorgeous, and top of the line in interior design. I have never been in a more beautiful doctor’s office. Maybe it was just to remind me that it is one of many, that my Father in heaven owns.

I kept looking around for my special sign that Jesus was there with me. I believe Jesus is always with us, but I still asked for a special sign, just as a child might ask their Father to bring home a gift for them. So far, though, I could see no sign. 

I was finally called into the exam room, had my x-rays and waited for the doctor to come in. I had no idea which of the three doctors in the group I would have. 

Then a friendly middle eastern man in his mid-thirties walked into the room. He was obviously American born, without an accent, and he introduced himself with an Arabic name. He was confident and charming, and began my root canal.

In my mind I asked God, “Remember my special request for a sign from you that Jesus is in the room with me? Where is my sign, Lord?”

Then the thought came into my mind, God sent me a middle eastern doctor, about the same age as Jesus, which was probably my sign.  After it was over, I searched online for the meaning of the doctor’s name, and it means “Noble soul.” I am trusting that in God’s timing, He sent me to the right office for the right doctor, who just happened to be a charming middle eastern man in his mid thirties. I took it as a sign that Jesus was with me in the room. 

If every animal in the forest, and the cattle on a thousand hills are His, and every bird in the mountains and every insect in the fields are all His, then so is every doctor’s office and every doctor too. God is our good Father and the whole world is His and all that is in it. If one of His children asks Him for bread, He will not give him a stone. If they ask for fish, He will not give him a snake. Our Father in heaven gives good gifts to those who ask him. (Matthew 7:11)

Lord, help us to live as children of our good Father since the whole world is yours and all that is in it. Hear and answer all our prayers to help, heal and hold our hand through every trial today and always. Amen


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