“In this you rejoice, though now for a little while you may have to suffer various trials, so that the genuineness of your faith, more precious than gold which though perishable is tested by fire, may redound to praise and glory and honor at the revelation of Jesus Christ.” 1 Peter 1:6-7 (RSV)
I love these scriptures because everyone can relate to being tested by fiery trials. Scripture doesn’t say that believers will have an easy road to heaven. Instead, we are told that our faith is going to be tested like gold, which will endure the purifying fire of tribulations.
Faith that is totally reliant on Jesus, can withstand the intense fiery heat of what most would consider unbearable. I can think of several people and friends in the faith, who have developed the endurance of a tested faith, that is golden. I want to share one person’s story today.
Tawana is a recent acquaintance and a most interesting person. Her grandfather was Bob Jeter, who played for the Bears and Green Bay packers in the 60’s and 70’s.
She is a woman of faith, who has so much joy and love for everyone, but I learned that she has gone through some intense fires in her lifetime.
About 28 years ago, her husband stopped after work, with his friends to have a drink at a neighborhood bar. For whatever reason, a shooter walked in and killed every single person in that bar. Tawana became a widow that day, left with a three year old boy, while pregnant with twins, that were due any day. The day after her husband’s funeral, she gave birth to her twins, a boy and a girl.
One twin had a heart problem and spent a longer stay in the hospital, but he survived over time and with prayers. In one day, her life totally changed because of a senseless act of random violence. As a widow, she raised her children, trusting in the help of God, her relatives and her church. She told me she could never have made it through those difficult times without faith and the family of God who kept her lifted up in prayer. Her three children never knew their earthly father, but Tawana made sure they would know their heavenly one.
Decades later, when her children were grown and caring for their own children, Tawana had a stroke and couldn’t talk. With therapy and prayer, she eventually recovered and was able to speak again. She was grateful, since to this day, she calls each of her children every day, to stay in touch.
Some years after that, she began to have headaches and was diagnosed with a brain tumor, and was told that the tumor was cancerous. After she underwent brain surgery and chemo treatments, Tawana was sent to rehabilitate in the Nursing Facility that my son is currently living in, and that is how I met her.
With such an upbeat and joyful personality, I could never have imagined what Tawana has been through. Her mind is sharp and though she walks with short shuffling steps, her overall health is now good. Yesterday was Karaoke day and she selected the song, “Oh Happy Day.”She shared her words of hope and faith with everybody in that room, by singing the words, 🎵 “Oh happy day, when Jesus washed my sins away… “
She’s an inspiration of a tested and enduring faith of gold.
Tawana’s prayers are still being answered. She just learned that she is now cancer free and will soon be going home to live with her son, daughter in law and grandchildren.
I’m thinking of all those who are also struggling with a fiery trial right now in their life. I want to encourage them to keep their trust in Jesus, who loves us and suffered in all ways that we do. We can learn from people like Tawana, that total reliance on God brings us through trials with a faith of gold. God will turn every situation around for good, and there will be better days ahead.
Lord, thank you for all the good you bring out of the lives of those who totally rely on you. Help us to have a persevering faith of gold, that withstands all the fiery tests and trials of life. Amen