….”to have all the richness of fully assured understanding, for the knowledge of the mystery of God, Christ, in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge.”
Colossians 2:2-3 (NABRE)
All the mysteries of God’s wisdom and knowledge are hidden in Christ.
Hidden things are not apparent, unless we search for them. In Christ, there are treasures of wisdom which help to strengthen our faith. We are blessed with the opportunity to have access to these hidden things through Jesus.
I don’t always remember my dreams, but I wrote down the details of a strange one I had about a year ago. I dreamed that a man was telling me that I needed to quickly leave my home and go with him to a hiding place. I didn’t recognize the man as anyone I knew, but I trusted him, and so we set out to travel together on foot.
We ran through various outdoor landscapes, and when he took my hand, I was able to run as fast as him, and stay alongside him. When I let go of his hand and ran at my own pace, I couldn’t keep up and lagged way behind. He was so much faster, stronger and taller than me.
I finally called out to him, “Hold my hand so I can run faster !”
He grabbed my right hand and then I ran so fast, and could stay equally along side of him.
We saw a pond, where we were going to stop to drink water, but when we arrived, the pond was dried up. He just stepped over it and we both continued running. I never got tired nor was I ever thirsty. He held my hand until we finally arrived at an interesting street, filled with stucco homes all in a row.
Each home was colorfully decorated and there were men still working on the outside details of each one. On the front of each home, there was a big cross, colorful banners filled with scripture verses or Christian sayings, which I was trying hard to read as we walked by each one.
We finally arrived at our destination, where I was going to reside. It was one of those many colorful homes, which was to become my hiding place. I never did get to go inside my hiding place, because that’s when I suddenly woke up.
The man in my dream wasn’t Jesus, but he definitely was a heavenly being, probably an angel. The best memory I could recall after waking up, is the beautiful colors of those hiding place homes, and how fast I could run when the man, or angel, held my hand.
I thought about that dried up pond, and the fact that I wasn’t thirsty.
We may encounter many dried up ponds in our life, which can be very discouraging, unless we are receiving the living water that Jesus gives us. He told the woman at the well that His water would satisfy forever, and she would never thirst again. I was not thirsty in my dream, and that’s why the dried up pond really didn’t matter.
The secular world considers those who live by faith, as using faith as a crutch. Some would say that a hiding place represents an escape from reality, but a hiding place in God is not a place to escape our problems, it’s a place to discover the hidden treasures of His wisdom.
Running alongside that angel is symbolic of living my life while abiding in Jesus, keeping my hand in His. Each house represents the colorful treasures that God has for everyone who believes. We can run and not grow weary, when we keep our hand in His. He has treasures to reveal to us, and we can do all things through Christ, who strengthens us.
There was so much more to learn and discover inside those colorful homes, and I’m sure it would reveal the depths of His love for us. Maybe it would be too overwhelming to reveal in just one dream.
God is always working to reveal more of His wisdom to us, as the men in my dream were still working on enhancing each of those homes. It seemed to be an invitation to go deeper and farther, to seek the treasures of God that are hidden in Christ.
Lord Jesus, please hold our hands and give us strength to run with the endurance, which only you can give us. Help us to seek those treasures hidden in knowing you, and reveal the depths of your love to each reader today. Amen