Walking silently with Jesus

“He was oppressed, and he was afflicted,
yet he opened not his mouth;
like a lamb that is led to the slaughter,
and like a sheep that before its shearers is dumb,
so he opened not his mouth.”

Isaiah 53:7 (RSV)

Isaiah described a suffering, silent Messiah. Jesus always spoke boldly and was not afraid to tell the truth, but there is a time for bold speech and a time to remain silent. 

Beginning with His arrest and suffering, Jesus fulfilled the image of Isaiah’s silent lamb. He did not open up His mouth, except for a few potent phrases. There is peace in walking silently with Jesus, during the hard times in our lives.

Jesus barely answered Herod or Pilate. He carried His cross silently, enduring the ridicule and insults of those who mocked, beat and spat upon Him. He didn’t seek to be vindicated, yet His silence was powerful. He never stopped praying for His enemies, as well as His friends.

All the treasures of wisdom and knowledge are hidden in Him, and He fulfilled over 300 messianic prophecies from scripture. There is a comfort in knowing that God’s purpose and plan was perfectly fulfilled, down to the timing and the details. 

As I meditate on these truths, it gives me peace to focus on the words that Jesus did say while on the cross. 

He asked God to forgive all His enemies. He forgave the thief next to Him, assuring him entry into heaven. When he cried out to God, asking why He was forsaken, He was quoting from David’s Psalm 22, which is packed with Messianic prophecies. Those prophecies were fulfilled, down to the details of pierced hands and feet, as well as casting lots for His garments.

Jesus entrusted the care of His mother to John, the disciple He was closest to. Finally, He said, “It is finished.” His silence was broken by His resurrection, three days later, and He promises eternal life to all who believe that He is Lord. He completed the sacrifice on the cross, as both lamb of God and high priest, and He now lives to intercede for us. 

Meditating on His final words brings His presence nearer and we can find a mysterious peace in our silence. While we are carrying our cross, Jesus is real, and walking beside us. He knows everything we feel, and as we surrender ourselves to Him, He will take care of everything. 

Jesus, we thank you for walking with us through everything, and we trust in your resurrection power, which fills us with your comfort, strength peace and love. Amen


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