The blood of the Lamb

“And they have conquered him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony….”

Revelation 12:11 (RSV)

I wrote last year about a post I found  on a Facebook site, written by a farmer, explaining how a rattlesnake bit one of his sheep on the face. Its face swelled and hurt, but the sheep kept up its usual activities, eating, drinking, and climbing. The farmer explained that a sheep’s blood naturally contains an antivenin which destroys the venom of a serpent bite.

I never heard of this, so I fact checked it, and learned that sheep’s blood is used to produce an antivenin that treats snake bites in humans. The immune system of sheep, naturally produces the antibodies that neutralize the venom of rattlesnakes, copperheads, cottonmouths, and water moccasins.

Since this was new to me, I searched further and found a US Healthcare professionals website that also confirmed it. There is a product called CroFab® which is a sheep-derived antivenin, indicated for the management of venomous snake bites in adult and pediatric patients in North America. 

I cannot believe that I lived this long and never heard this fact before. It’s no coincidence that in biblical history, Jesus is known as the “Lamb” of God (John 1:29) while the devil has always been known as the “serpent” from the beginning to the end of scripture.

(Genesis 3:14) (Revelation 12:9)

In God’s infinite wisdom, everything He created has a perfect purpose in design, including sheep and snakes. He created sheep’s blood, to contain a natural immunity to the venom of snakes. This is not only a medical fact, but a spiritual truth.

In other words, the blood of the Lamb says to serpent’s venom, 

“Not here, devil !”

I thought it was interesting that the sheep who was bitten by the snake, never stopped eating, drinking or climbing, even though it suffered pain and swelling from the bite. Sheep have a built in confidence, and stamina to keep going, allowing their antivenin blood to do its thing, until they get well.

Maybe Jesus calls us sheep for this reason. We all have that same innate confidence and stamina. People show such resilience in times of trouble, as they keep climbing confidently, in spite of the painful bite of the serpent. We can trust that the blood of Jesus gives us resistance to the venom of our spiritual enemy. While we may suffer temporary afflictions, we keep moving forward, climbing upward, and following our Shepherd, because the antigen in the blood of the Lamb, is also flowing in us.

We can do all things through Christ, because His blood flows in us. His blood brings healing, forgiveness, deliverance and eternal life. The last book in the Bible, the book of Revelation, tells us how this world’s story will end. The serpent will be defeated once and for all, by the blood of the Lamb, which also flows in each one of us, since we are His flock.

At the last supper, Jesus said, “This cup is the new covenant in my blood, which will be shed for many. Do this in remembrance of me.”

Jesus didn’t just ask us to remember His blood, or to believe in His blood, but to drink it, and we drink it in memory of Him. His blood flows in us, so we can pray with confidence, since He is in us and we live in the power of that precious blood.

Lord, help us to live in the reality of being your sheep, with your blood flowing through us, which spiritually heals and neutralizes the venom of every evil, and leads all people to eternal life. Amen

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