Chariots of faith

“Seated in his chariot, he was reading the prophet Isaiah. The Spirit said to Philip, “Go and join up with that chariot.”

Acts 8:28-29.  (NAB)

An angel spoke to Philip, telling him to go down the road that leads from Jerusalem to Gaza. As Philip headed down that road, he noticed a royal chariot. The Eunuch riding in it was the treasurer for the Queen of Ethiopia, and he was reading scripture from the prophet Isaiah while he was riding. 

The Holy Spirit told Philip to run up to the chariot. Philip ran to catch up to him and when he came alongside him, he asked if he understood what he was reading. The eunuch immediately invited Philip to join him and explain Isaiah’s writing to him. Philip began to share his faith, teaching him how the many prophecies of Isaiah, pointed to the Messiah, who was in fact, Jesus. 

During that brief ride, the Ethiopian man believed and asked to be baptized, so they stopped the chariot by a body of water, and Philip baptized Him. Afterward, they went their separate ways, and never saw each other again. 

Sometimes God changes our course and we end up somewhere we never planned to be. He may lead us to meet someone for a brief time, for a special purpose. I had an experience like this many years ago, when I was visiting a Vineyard church in the area. Someone invited me to attend an Alpha group meeting taking place in the home of a church member. 

I went to the Alpha meeting and met a lady there, who was also a first time visitor, named Teddy. I found out she lived only two blocks away from me, and we became friends. I would routinely pick her up and bring her to church services and Alpha meetings. Teddy had a serious health problem at the time, but was searching for meaning and hope in her life. When I met her, she was in remission from colon cancer but had recently learned that the cancer spread to her liver. 

For several months, we spent many good times together, going to church services, church group meetings, and even dancing together in Greek town on weekends. I saw Teddy transform, spiritually, as she found peace and strength through a deeper relationship with Jesus. Her faith upheld her through her chemo treatments and all the ups and downs of that difficult period in her life. 

It was a very brief friendship because the cancer in her liver quickly progressed and she passed away within the year that I met her. 

I think about our short but vibrant friendship, and how her faith deepened during that time. That friendship was my “chariot” experience, because I felt like I jumped into Teddy’s chariot and took a short ride with her. I had a small part in helping her during a difficult stage in her life journey. 

What she really needed and longed for at that time in her life was satisfied through her relationship with Jesus, and she found an inner peace to help her continue her journey, until the day she was called into His loving arms. 

Whatever chariot God leads us to climb into, is always in sync with His perfect timing and purpose. Just as Phillip was sent to join a chariot with a stranger from a completely foreign land, the Holy Spirit may send us to a place we didn’t expect to go. It might turn out to be a chariot ride of faith, that changes someone’s life.

Lord, help us to be available to join the chariots you send us to, so that we may encourage someone’s faith, at a crucial time in their lives. Amen

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