Because of mercy

“But when the kindness and generous love of God our savior appeared, not because of any righteous deeds we had done but because of his mercy,

he saved us through the bath of rebirth and renewal by the holy Spirit, whom he richly poured out on us

through Jesus Christ our savior.”

Titus 3:4-6 (NAB)

I often write about mercy, because it’s an infinite topic, like the God who embodies it. The official definition of mercy is: 

“the compassion shown to an offender who is subject to one’s power to punish.”

It makes me appreciate God’s mercy and also wonder how I can do better in showing mercy to those who offend me.

What would happen if everyone in the world prayed for the gift of seeing others through God’s eyes. Think of how different we would see things and people, if we had a glimpse through His eyes of mercy, especially toward those who persecute us. 

When it comes to the residents at the Nursing home, showing them mercy is a no brainer. The residents there are humble and appreciative of any kindness, so it’s pretty easy and natural to see them through God’s eyes of mercy. 

Last week, I had an unusually negative encounter with a certain social worker on staff at the Nursing Facility. The social worker I’m referring to, is not a supervisor, nor was she assigned to counsel anyone in that day room. She came there purposely to tell me that I can no longer bring the residents any treats. I was stunned, since over the past seven months, no staff person ever prohibited me from bringing them treats. 

A few residents overheard her and objected, saying that she has no authority over them.  Since the majority of the residents have no visitors, my visits and treats are the only ones that most of them ever receive. To stop it would be like robbing them of a simple joy.

Then it occurred to me, that each resident is given an amount of cash in dollar bills each month, which they are free to spend on any treats from the vending machines throughout the facility. So I asked the social worker why the residents are allowed to buy a treat in the vending machine, but would be prohibited from me bringing them packaged treats at my own expense. 

She could not give me an answer, nor could she tell me who her supervisor is, or who sent her to speak to me. It was all very strange.

I said nothing more but went home and wrote an email, addressing it to the head administrator of the Nursing Facility. My email was respectful, yet covered every point. 

The next day I received an answer from that administrator assuring me that she would speak to that social worker, and take care of everything. She did not prohibit me from continuing to bring the treats to the residents. 

I admit that at first, I was upset with that social worker. I may never know what motivated her, but I forgive her because the Holy Spirit reminded me that God has mercy on all people, whether they are kind or not. 

Scripture says the sun shines on the just as well as the unjust. Since God is merciful to all of us, I need to be merciful to her, just as she should be merciful to those residents. God has established a natural rule, that mercy reaps mercy. Jesus said, “Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy.”(Matthew 5:7)

I’m thankful that the administrator overruled the social worker and I am free to continue my visits with treats. 

If only we could all look at people through God’s eyes, instead of our own personal feelings, reactions or judgements, what a different world it would be.

Mercy defies all logic. God shows mercy to people who do not deserve it and Jesus said we must be merciful to others in order to receive mercy. We show mercy to those who mistreat us, because Jesus did. He also assured us that if we are persecuted for doing good, then we are blessed. All of these teachings go completely against our human nature, but that’s because God wants to transform our nature. 

God desires all who believe in His son to be conformed to the image of His son, but we first need His help to see people through His eyes. There is no one like God, so merciful and patient, and there is certainly no human being who can show patience and mercy without His help. We can do all things through Christ who strengthens us, but we can do nothing without Him.

Lord, give us the grace to see people through your eyes and to show mercy to our enemies. Thank you for constantly transforming us to become more like Jesus. Amen


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