“For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”
Jeremiah 29:11 (NIV)
God’s plans for us are always good. We might feel that something was missing, that we lacked an essential relationship or missed out on some advantage in our life, but God was with us all along and He doesn’t make mistakes. His plan has always been to prosper us spiritually, and to give us hope and a future.
When my mother was eight months pregnant with me, my father had a major stroke but survived. He was much older when they married and being their last child, I grew up with an elderly father, who had emotional and cognitive deficits resulting from his stroke. He was more like a grandfather, who was physically present, but emotionally absent.
The father I knew was emotionally disconnected from the family, through no fault of his own, and so we never had a personal relationship.
My mother handled this lack by staying upbeat and strong in her Christian faith. She filled the role of being both a mother and a father, by taking us to church, baseball games, theaters and vacations. When she observed my older brothers’ interest in science, she bought them chemistry sets and a high quality telescope. I remember looking through that telescope one summer night and seeing Saturn’s rings. Through her example of faith and love, I always felt that my brothers and I had a great childhood, being nurtured and encouraged to pursue our own gifts and talents.
Still, I must have had a subconscious longing for a father relationship, which was evident by a recurring dream I had as a child. I dreamed that I was lost in a crowded room full of strangers. I finally was relieved to see my father across the room, at a distance, so I ran through the crowd to him, but when I got to him, he didn’t know who I was. I woke up feeling a strange emptiness and lack of a father’s affection. I dreamed this disturbing dream more than once during my childhood.
Later, as a young adult, I opened that door of my life to God and came to know Him as my true father. Now, I am confident that He is the one who truly knows me and would greet me with open arms in a crowded room full of strangers. When I run to Him, He is the Father who is happy to see me, and always loves me as I am.
He loves us not because we are good, but because He is good. I have been blessed to finally know the security of a father’s love, because of my relationship with Jesus. Whatever I lacked growing up, has been restored through Him, the One who was knocking on my door from the start.
Whether we’ve lost something we once had or we never had it at all, God knows exactly what we are lacking. If we listen, we will hear His Son’s voice at our door, knocking, whispering and calling us by name.
I have learned that the Lord is as patient as He is generous. Jesus knocked on my door for years, until I finally heard Him and invited Him in. When we offer Him all that is empty within us, He heals, restores and fills us with more of Himself.
He is the same Lord who filled the widow’s empty jars, and sent down heavenly bread to His hungry people in the wilderness. He opened wombs that were once closed, healed every type of disease, and gave sight to those born blind. It’s never too late for the Lord to bring healing and deep restoration to an area that we are most lacking in.
He is a good Father, who stands before us today with open arms, overflowing with “Paternal love” for us. All we need to do is open our door and run into our Father’s arms.
Lord, refresh our image of you, standing and knocking on the door of our lives. Come inside any area that is lacking in us and fill every empty place with the abundance of your love and grace. Amen