An aroma of gratitude

“But thanks be to God, who in Christ always leads us in triumph, and through us spreads the fragrance of the knowledge of him everywhere.”

2 Corinthians 2:14 (RSV)

This scripture says a lot in a few words. God is leading us in triumph as we spread the fragrance of the knowledge of Jesus everywhere we go. 

Spreading the aroma or fragrance of Christ, at first, seems like an overwhelming mission, as if we are responsible in persuading everyone to believe. The Holy Spirit is teaching me that a simple way of spreading the aroma of Christ to others is by showing them gratitude. 

We only need to think of how good it feels to be thanked for something, because in some mysterious way, gratitude is very uplifting and healing. 

A few words of gratitude touches the heart, especially in those who may be suffering. It’s a God given trait that every human being is deeply touched by gratitude, because we were made in the image of God, and He is deeply touched by our gratitude.

Remember Jesus made a comment about the ten lepers who He healed, but only one returned to show his gratitude, and Jesus asked where are the other nine?  (Luke 17:17-18)

There are other ways of spreading the fragrance of Christ, like good preaching and acts of kindness, but words of gratitude are so simple, that it’s often overlooked. 

Every person in our life is there for a purpose. Gratitude spreads the aroma of Christ to everyone He brings into our lives; to our next door neighbors, the coworkers we work beside, our family and the friends we make in this relatively brief period called our lifetime. Gratitude can often lift a person’s spirit more than profound words of wisdom.

Gratitude sends a fragrance and an aroma which reveals their worth and value to God. It leads the lost lambs back to their Shepherd. A few words of gratitude opens the heart, by healing and lifting someone’s spirit, and subtly pointing them toward God. 

An expression of gratitude can make a difference in a person’s day, especially those who are broken in some way. Gratitude opens the heart to knowing Christ and His love.

The first step in spreading the aroma of Christ is in making people feel appreciated.

Words of gratitude can send an aroma of Christ to people with mental health problems, or to those with contentious and argumentative personalities. When the smartest answers fail and there are no other words to say, words of gratitude can change everything.

I am learning how to be thankful for something in every person. Being thankful is like love, it’s not driven by emotion, it’s a choice we make.

I’ve even found gratitude helpful as I try to reason with Jon. He still gets out of bed each night, and out of his chair each day and wanders around. I tell him he has to stay in his chair, unless a nurse or therapy tech assists him, and when he sits back down, I thank him for listening, and he seems to relax. His brain still needs a lot of healing, but even he responds to the words

 “Thank you.”

The residents and staff keep telling me how they saw Jon walking all over the place. Someone told me he once managed to get to the second floor, when a staff person noticed and took him back to his floor. I am thankful for those caring residents who always watch out for Jon, and for the staff who are so busy keeping him safe. Yesterday I decided not only to verbally thank them, but I brought treats for all the staff and the residents.

Every person is a lost lamb who needs to find their place in the arms of the Good Shepherd. Some people  know this and some have no idea, but everyone needs to hear words of gratitude. God created our hearts to be touched when someone shows gratitude and thanks us. There is something about being intentional in  gratitude, that opens many hardened or broken hearts.

Lord, we thank you for showing us the ways we can triumph in our walk of faith, by spreading your fragrance to others around us. Use our words of gratitude to help you gather all your lost back lambs to you. Amen


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