God’s loving questions

“He is the source of your life in Christ Jesus, whom God made our wisdom, our righteousness and sanctification and redemptiontherefore, as it is written, “Let him who boasts, boast of the Lord.”

1 Corinthians 1:30-31 (RSV)

Jesus is the source of our life, and all our wisdom, righteousness and sanctification comes through Him. If there is any wisdom, it comes from Jesus, if there is any righteousness, it comes from Jesus, and if there is any sanctification, it comes from Jesus.

The devil always tries to distort or reverse God’s truth, by either convincing man that he can be all of the above without any help from God, or that he is a hopeless cause and will never meet God’s expectations. These two extremes are illustrated in the Garden of Eden. The same serpent who lied in the Garden, is the same devil who speaks these lies to us today. He perpetuates the lie that we need to save ourselves without God, or that we are too far gone to be saved at all. The serpent told Eve that she and Adam could be like gods. That led them to think they didn’t need God and could become their own gods. After they ate the forbidden fruit, they had such anxiety about being naked, that they sewed themselves a covering made of fig leaves. By making their own coverings, they were trying to save themselves. Finally, when they felt they were beyond saving, they simply hid themselves in the Garden, but God never stops pursuing us, even when we are hiding, because love never gives up.

Love always pursues the one who is loved and hopes to bring restoration and renewal. Since God is love, He kept calling them, asking “Where are you?” Their answer to God was that they were afraid because they knew they were naked, and then God asks“ Who told you that you were naked?” God showed His love to them through His questions. The whole conversation between God and the first couple are still relatable today.

Jesus taught us that people are like lost sheep, but God seeks them out, calling to them every day, “Where are you?” He already knew where Adam and Eve were, but He is loving us through His questions. When we are discouraged and sad, God is right there, asking questions. When He asks where are you, it’s for us to realize where we are currently hiding. When He asks us who told us the lie that is controlling our mind, He wants us to know it wasn’t from Him, and that His truth will set us free. As He asked Adam and Eve, who told them they were naked, He also asks us today, “Who told you I can’t help you? or “Who told you that this situation is hopeless?” Maybe He asks us “Who told you that you are not smart enough, healthy enough, spiritual enough or good enough?”

He wants us to know He loves us as we are and to listen to Him, not the old lies of the enemy. We are meant to come as we are to Jesus, who is our source. Everything is through Him and for Him. In Him we are fully redeemed, and through Jesus, God gives us His wisdom, strength, sanctification and righteousness. It doesn’t come from ourselves, it is amazing grace. As we yield to His power which is made perfect through all of our weaknesses, we really can do all things through Christ. Therefore, if there is any boasting to be done, we boast in the Lord and what He does for us.

God can change anyone’s fate if He chooses to. He is the source of our life, our health, our wisdom and our future, not our genetics, our past history or whatever we think we are currently lacking in our lives. 

Jesus, thank you for being our source of all wisdom, righteousness, sanctification and our complete redemption. We cast out every lie that resides in our minds, and surrender our weaknesses to you, so that your power can be perfected in us, to fulfill the perfect and good plans that you have for our lives. Amen 

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