Small graces

“And God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work.”

2 Corinthians 9:8 ( NIV)

We are blessed through many small graces along the way, even during the most difficult tests and trials in our lives. In all things, at all times, He gives us what we need, in small, subtle ways, so that in the end, we may abound in every good work. 

We might miss recognizing these small graces, while we are waiting for that one big answer to our prayer. 

Small graces are those subtle signs of God’s abundant love which He shows us in various ways. He gave us five senses to use, and minds to reason with, so that we will see, hear and awaken to what the Holy Spirit is saying and doing.

If we make ourselves more aware of the small signs that appear every day, they are the signs of His grace, and proof that His presence is with us and working in our lives. If we don’t look and listen for it, we can easily miss it.

God said to us through these words, “My grace is sufficient for you, and My power is perfected in your weakness.” (2 Corinthians 12:9)

I remember when my son, Jon was still in the coma after his accident, and I went to the UPS store to pick up his mail. A different clerk was working the desk that day, and as he brought me Jon’s mail, he stopped and asked me how Jon is doing. He then proceeded to tell me that since he first heard about his accident, he started praying every day for him. I was touched by his compassion, and yet, I never saw that clerk again. 

What are the chances that a total stranger, UPS store clerk, would stop to tell me that he has been praying for my son? It’s very unlikely, unless God is sending me a sign, that His grace is sufficient for me and that He is with me in this trial.

I remember the day I went to the bank to bring my legal guardianship papers for Jon’s bank account, and as I was explaining the situation to the banker, an older lady, who was a customer there, walked up to me. She apologized for overhearing what happened to my son and asked his name, saying that she wanted to add him to her prayer list. Another total stranger approaches to tell me they were praying for my son?

This was not a coincidence, but another small grace of God.  

Sometimes God sends another type of grace as a sign, like the story shared by a man regarding his serious fear of flying. He had to fly somewhere to speak for his particular ministry, and to calm his anxiety, before boarding the plane, he read the scripture in Matthew 6:26, where Jesus said His Father takes care of all the birds of the air, and how much more important we are to God, than those birds. 

With that scripture in his mind, he boarded the plane and sat in his window seat. Right outside his window, perched on the wing of the plane looking at him, was a small sparrow. He knew it was no coincidence, but a small grace and a sign of comfort that came from God. 

Small graces can come through someone’s words, prayers, a kind deed or an unusual sign in nature. It’s like a whisper in our ear or a tap on the shoulder assuring us that God is here, and His grace will bring us through it all. His power is made perfect in our weakest moments. His grace is with us at all times, in all things, and for all that we need. 

Sometimes, He simply leads other people to us, who are going through the same trial that we are going through. This happened after becoming acquainted with the parents of another man in the same Nursing Home as Jon. He is there after suffering a deadly fentanyl overdose, yet woke up after being on life support. He is almost the same age as Jon, and is now awake but still unable to speak. His parents and I share the grace and unity of having adult sons who both survived a brain injury. 

God’s presence can be felt through meeting others, who share a similar adversity. I believe God purposely brings them our way, as one of His many graces to encourage us and give us strength. 

Then there are those surprise grace filled moments of progress, like the day Shantel, a nurse assistant, told me that Jon set off the emergency door alarm and then turned to her and said “I’m sorry.” 

He has had some intermittent moments of clarity like that. 

Fourteen months after his accident, his progress continues as he started walking longer distances on his own. 

Lord, thank you for all the small graces that we receive each day. Open our hearts to recognize that it is You, who sends us signs of your Presence, along with blessings of comfort, grace and love. Amen

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